TeamBest®, through Best Cyclotron Systems, Inc. (BCSI), offers radioisotopes and production capabilities for nuclear medicine and radiotherapy with its range of cyclotron systems. BCSI’s mission is to create technology to provide healthcare options for various needs around the world. Our staff assists from the planning stage, detailed design, facility construction, daily production, maintenance and emergency repair through the TeamBest® network. We provide solutions for PET-CT and molecular imaging radiopharmaceuticals with the same excellent customized care as demonstrated in our 40-year history of radiotherapy support.
BCSI Cyclotron Systems
BCSI staff works with the end user to configure the system for the needs of the user. There are now four general energy domains for BCSI cyclotron systems: 15, 25, 35 and 70 MeV. The applications for these accelerator systems are different, and the configurations will reflect that difference.
Range of Radio-isotopes
FDG, to even Technicium99 and Mo99